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We love to hear your feedback whether it's good or if you have a comment for our improvement. 

Drop us an email with your thoughts about your paddling with us please. 

Read on for some interesting testimonials…

From members and volunteers

"For me getting out paddling with Erne Paddlers as a coach and volunteer over the last few months has provided me with an important social link with the local community which was much needed after months of isolation. It also provided an opportunity for meaningful physical exercise in the outdoors. I was very conscious of the sense of enhanced wellbeing after each paddling session. I think that Erne Paddlers has provided a valuable service to the local community over this difficult period in many different ways. The value of social connection, physical exercise and immersion in the natural environment in relation to wellbeing and mental health cannot be overstated."

"Keeping paddling over the last few months has really helped me to be out paddling to keep sane after lockdown, keeping sociable and safe with erne paddlers." - T

"I go paddling for some headspace to be still with nature to take in the fresh air to be immersed in the natural environment. It doesn't matter what the weather brings, it's always a good day to be on the water. The social aspect is great I have met many new life long friends through the club there is always many a laugh" - P

"Erne paddlers has given me a real sense of providing valuable community service through lockdown- as coaches we've all supported each other and worked hard to restart our fun and safe outdoor paddling. I love the people I've met through paddlesport." - C

From parents and families

"We took out family membership after watching how much craic our son was having & how it helped him regain his fitness levels following a football injury. The coaches are so skilled & supportive . We now enjoy paddling on the lakes & in the sea, most months of the year. It’s hard to describe just how relaxing it is & how beautiful our local scenery is. I think we are all the better for it - and a bit fitter!" - B

"From a parents point of view - It’s been fantastic to get the Junior Leaders back out on a regular basis, it has been great to give them an opportunity to meet up with their friends/peers in a totally safe environment, it has been a great boost to their confidence & gives them the opportunity to learn new skills & have fun at the same time!  Erne Paddlers is a wonderful asset to have in our local community." - B

"As a parent, I think it's a great way for our teenagers to chill out. It's a chance to clear their heads  from school and zoom classes and to destress about upcoming exams. Even though it's not cool to be seen  kitted out anymore, the enjoyment on the water is worth the risk of being recognized. Well done to all the dedicated coaches" - S

"It was difficult to encourage our teenager back out to the Erne Paddlers group (even tho he'd been involved for 3 previous years) as with lockdown we think he thought that he couldn't go out & take part, got too used to staying at home! But with some gentle encouragement from the Paddlers leaders & us parents it worked! Got the lad back out on the water & boy what a difference it's made for him. Fresh air, socially distanced safe canoeing/kayaking, meeting up with old & new faces, friendships rekindled & new bonds made. Couldn't ask for better. Up the Erne Paddlers for teaching  new skills, hands on fun & promoting our beautiful waterways! Thank you so much!" R

" it has been great to have an interest that we can all get involved in, be together and yet be able to interact with other paddlers and families. Each getting our own space but yet having the comfort of family around. We have learnt to work together as a team learning lots from safety to map navigation and the enjoyment of nature taken from a different perspective on the water while paddling". B

From our Junior Leader Development Course

“being out on the water at any time is a great experience. Very therapeutic .During lockdown it was even more so. It also helped me keep fit & connected with the club” - D

"Over the last months there has been a lot of uncertainty with how the club was going to run with the new restrictions. It is good for Erne paddlers to be able to continue as it gives us all a sense of normality and that we can still continue to do what we enjoy".  - C

"Great to get out onto the water, with other club members while still being safe, following regulations getting a bit of exercise and some much needed social interaction" - M

"As a teenager in lockdown the club allowed me to get some paddling in and make friends on the water - social distancing is hard but on the water you have a big long paddle to help judge it! I think I'd definitely have struggled without this place to meet up and stay apart at the same time!" - N

 "Being a member of Erne Paddlers has given me the opportunity to be part of a team, a team who relies on each other, we can be safe in a sport I love to do. Our coaches give constant encouragement and support which helps me to be the best I can be, they have given me an outlook that anything is possible in life and I am grateful for the opportunity to now be training as a junior leader.  Lock down has been extremely difficult and challenging for everyone exams, school work, not seeing friends basically I think everyone felt alone, not knowing what to expect, erne paddlers was and will be a major part of my life." - J 

Case studies

Some longer feedback from a few of our Junior Leaders